Magic Mineral Hot Springs: Four Reasons to Use Them

August 8, 2018 Off By Seth

One of the many great things about living in Wyoming is the diverse landscape the Cowboy State has to offer. You can experience sagebrush-covered plains and transition to pine-covered, snow-capped mountains in an hour drive. So naturally, Emily and I like to take advantage of some of the great hiking opportunities that are close to home. Unfortunately, an active lifestyle can often leave us with sore muscles and stiff joints. The good news, Wyoming is home to mineral hot springs, which are great to stop and soak in after a long day on the trail (or hard week of work for that matter). After noticing the hot springs have helped with everything from sunburn to sprained ankles, we decided to look into the health benefits of a nice long soak. If you don’t visit them already, here are a few reasons you should stop by a mineral hot spring.

What is a Mineral Hot Spring?

Hot Spring Pool

A mineral hot spring is a body of water that has been geothermally heated within the earth as a result of volcanic activity. Water seeps from the ground, where it obtains most of its minerals, then spills over to fill the pool that was built by humans. The pool is also very natural and contains algae and a sand bottom. Native Americans believed the hot springs contained healing powers, and thus our local hot spring was a neutral area of peace. Regardless of what you believe, it’s easy to admit the hot springs are something special.

Rest Easy

I’ll start with my personal favorite benefit: they bring me joy. If you ask me, this is more than enough reason to keep coming back. Our local hot spring is free and open 24-7, providing easy access whenever we need a soak. According to the Saratoga Chamber of Commerce, the main pool fluctuates between 106-120 degrees Fahrenheit, with a smaller pool staying right around 100 degrees. In addition to being joyous, the heat of the water is great for relaxing tense muscles, which is why we visit them after a hard hike or rough week at work. When your muscles become less tense, your body can relax deeply causing stress and anxiety to melt away, no pun intended. The deep relaxation results in better sleep at night, further increasing the health benefits of a hot soak.

Hot Blooded

A view from the top

According to LiveStrong, the combination of hot water and minerals like sodium bicarbonate and calcium increase your hydrostatic pressure as you soak. As a result, your circulation increases, carrying oxygenated blood throughout the body. The oxygen being delivered to your body will help keep the tissues of your heart, skin, and organs healthy and strong.

Drug Free Pain Relief

One of the biggest benefits I noticed from the hot springs was the ability to reduce pain and inflammation. One night I soaked a swollen ankle and by morning, most of the swelling and pain disappeared. Emily has also had a similar experience. She got sunburnt one afternoon while fly fishing but after a visit to the hot springs, her pain and redness vanished by morning. In my research, I found that this is due to the intense heat and the pressure of the water itself. The duo works together to block our pain receptors, thus dulling our perception of pain. If all else fails, you’ll walk away from the pools like a spring chicken.

Smooth Skin

Although there is some dispute as to how the minerals such as sulfur, silica, magnesium, and potassium are absorbed by the body from the hot springs, there is evidence to support the water may help skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. The high mineral content is also great for healing dry skin, leaving you soft and smooth when you leave.

Hobo pool water

If all else fails, go try the hot springs out for yourself! You may even find your own magical excuse to return.

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